tisdag 15 december 2009


Generally, I hate writing Christmas Wishlists - I'm incapable of figuring out what I want and as a result, people tend to get upset about it. I don't know why people fuzz so much about what to get others (yet, I do it myself) - I rarely, if ever, dislike a gift I've been given.. In fact, I can't remember that ever happening. So yeah, I really don't see why the whole "finding the perfect gifts"-part creates so much anxiety. After all, it really shouldn't... as cliché as it may sound, the thought is the part that matters... the gift is just an added bonus. ;)

That being said, I have decided to list three sources of awesome gifts. Who knows, maybe you'll find something you'd like?

1. Unicef Inspired Gifts

"Children die everyday from preventable causes - for want of a simple vaccination, or from lack of clean water or proper nutrion" - Unicef USA: Inspired Gifts

It may not be much, but it's something - and it matters. We can't all be Angelina Jolies, although that would be awesome (except for the homewrecking-part). With prices ranging from cheap to uberexpensive, you're sure to find a suitable gift for a friend, family member or why not yourself? I think I'm going to buy polio vaccine for myself. :)

2. Lush

Gift Sets (the cutest things EVER; ), Whipstick, A Crash Course In Skincare (a miracle worker), Mmm Melting Marshmallow Moment

I have a terrible complexion - at 20 I STILL get a huge amount of zits, especially during that time of the month (and the week leading up to it). And to make things worse, the damn thing has decided to started aging on me as well - I'm well on the way of becoming a raisin. Okay, that might be the BDD talking (or so J. would say) but still - I hate it. That's were Lush comes in.. I love everything about Lush, except maybe for the prices. I love the quality, the fact that it works wonders and I most definitely love the cute clerk. ;)

3. ModCloth

Where's Your Shred At? Cardigan, Señor Don Gato Tea Set, Rainy Day Friends Earrings, Blowing Bubbles Dress

As much as I don't like Perez Hilton, I have to say, if it wasn't for him I never would've discovered the awesomeness that is ModCloth. Having never actually bought something from there, I think it's about time that I do.

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