måndag 2 november 2009

I found a recipe!

It's not the recipe I usually use when making Kladdkaka, but sometimes change is a good thing, right? I've never actually made one that has actual chocolate in it, so I figured it was time for a change. Hopefully, it'll turn out just as gooey and delicious.

Click the image for recipe (in swedish).
Note that the image is not mine.

As I was busy procasting earlier before today, I came up with a list of stuff I'd like to bake:
- Kladdkaka, se recipe above.
- Mini Gingerbread Cheesecakes (so cute for christmas!)
- Lingonberryfudge.
- Saffron pancakes.
- Christmas Cupcakes of some sorts.

...is it obvious that I can't wait 'til December? -sigh-

Oh, wow. Three posts in a day. I'm not spamming this place up at all. Lovely. -_-'

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